Planning the Festival | Millennium Calendar |
Rotherhithe and Surrey Docks, London SE16 |
The Rotherhithe Millennium Group has been formed to encourage the organisation and promotion of local events throughout the millennium year and to celebrate the rich diversity of Rotherhithes residents as well as its heritage. The group are currently compiling a calendar of all the events already planned for the area and the Borough throughout the year 2000 and identifying opportunities to arrange others with the local organisations and individuals that comprise its membership. These include Time & Talents Association, Southwark Councils Millennium Co-ordinator, Surrey Docks Farm, Surrey Quays Shopping Centre, Abbeyfield, Bede House, Southwark Park Rangers, Local Councillors and local Churches.
The Rotherhithe Millennium Group would like to hear from any local groups around Downtown, Lavender Pond, St Marys Neighbourhood and of course the river who are organising events they would like to see added to the millennium calendar as well as the organisers of events in neighbouring areas. They hope to co-ordinate activities so that there is a balanced programme throughout the year and organisers can help each other with publicity and perhaps even combine to make several small events into one large one to stretch available funding further.
If you would like to advise the group of celebrations and events you are planning so they can be added to the calendar or join it to help develop your plans please contact:
Brooks Centre Manager Surrey Quays Shopping Centre 020-7237-5282 |
Owers |
The Rotherhithe Millennium Group meets every four to six weeks.
Rotherhithe Millennium Group are planning a weekend of activities in the Peninsula on Saturday evening 19th August and all day on Sunday 20th August 2000. We are inviting your organisation to participate. The focus of the weekend will be on Sunday when a vintage bus service will take people to visit attractions in the area who will put on special events for the visitors, such as open days, fetes, coffee mornings, storytelling, video presentations etc. The object is to raise public awareness of all the many and varied groups and communities that operate in and around Rotherhithe.
By using the free bus service the public can sample activities in several different locations and enjoy a unique bus ride. Bus routes and events will be advertised in advance and children will be able to get a visitor card stamped at each attraction. Those with four or more stamps will receive a prize at the closing event of the weekend. The opening event on Saturday evening and the closing event on Sunday evening will be held at larger venues in the area and we envisage perhaps a quiz evening with an eel pie supper to start the weekend and possibly a barbecue with a Jazz band to close it.
The Millennium Group would like to hear from any organisation in Rotherhithe who have appropriate facilities to stage an opening or closing event or would like to be included on the vintage bus route and the pre-publicity.
Dont feel constrained by the suggestion above. If you have other ideas or innovations please let us know, or better still come to the launch of the Millennium Groups programme at Fisher Athletic on Thursday 9th February at 5pm. Wine and snacks will be provided and there will be a chance to hear how plans are progressing, to make suggestions, ask questions, and play a part in putting Rotherhithe on the map in this Millennium on the map in this Millennium Year.
The Millennium Group can be contacted via Ian Owers at Time & Talents on 020-7231-7845 or Peter Brooks at Surrey Quays Shopping Centre on 020-7237-5282.